Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Prasea, The Treading Island's Armrest

         How the Island of Prasea Emerged    

The island of Pracee is the setting for L.E. Vega's novels.  Since her Freshman Year, when she studied Jonathan Swift, author L.E. Vega  knew that she someday would write about an imaginary island, parallel to Jonathan Swift, who satirized and parodied versus pointing a finger at the colonizer. Eventually, L.E. Vega brings to life Prasea, the literary imaginary island. Prasea represents Puerto Rico, the tropical island that inundates the author’s imagination, especially during her childhood.

"Ms. Quixote Goes Country - Raised on the Marxist Frontier" 

by L.E. Vega

   Excerpts from the  novel

                "Ms. Quixote Goes Country"


        The Treading Islands formed a series of steps that slide up to The Bahama in the 

shape of a rocking chair, if you take a look at its delineation on the map.  The Native

Indians believed that the Treading Islands functioned as a volcanic sentinel that

guarded the United States Mainland, like the wall of a fort that erupted as if to warn

that the enemy was coming. They also believed that the East Coast of the United

States was much closer to the Treading Islands until one of nature's catastrophes

petered out the entire East Coast. Otherwise, little is known about the Treading

Islands, other than the breathless volcanic scene that they impart.

           Prasea was the only Treading Island that became inhabited, miraculously, since

it sits on the tip of a volcano. It is also the largest of the Treading Islands in the

Atlantic Ocean, south of the Equator from Greenland, and south east of Nastas and


             Aside from other deriding inklings that were assumed, growing up in Prasea,

one heard many legends about Praseans descending from beings from another planet,

and about an ancient Prasean civilization.  Studies point to speculation, although there is 

no solid evidence to support it, that Praceans came from a civilization preceding a meteor

collision that completely submerged them. According to well analyzed research conducted, 

Praseans managed to subsist inside the volcano for centuries, and when a subsequent 

galaxial collision occurred hundreds of years later, Praseans surfaced, and since they had 

disappeared and were forgotten for centuries, upon their reappearance, it was assumed 

that they had just landed from another planet.

Links to Essays / Blogs by L.E. Vega

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Puerto Rico

Health and Nutrition

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